About Us

We are a leading organization in the field of Medicines and enable consumers to get the best of pricing, ease and convenience along with the assurance of right Medicines and fast delivery by a nearby Pharmacy.

We have come far but will continue to strive to improve ourselves everyday and aspire to be chennai favourite healthcare provider with the highest standards of service excellence.

To be the first choice of customers for their health and wellness needs by consistently understanding and exceeding their expectations.

We respect the dignity and potential of every individual and treat everyone equally regardless of caste or creed.


The company strives to become one of the leading players in pharmaceutical industry in India and the global market place, with significant contribution to the society with quality products at affordable cost, thereby becoming a household name in healthcare.


To contribute to the society by nurturing a vibrant business organization with a human face, known for its quality of products, customer focus, people-oriented management and doing business with conscience.

Our Values

The unabated trust of the medical fraternity on  Kham Pharma has been achieved through our innovative products, and we strongly believe that this trust must be earned every single day. We continually remind ourselves that the interests of our patients must always come first. In pursuit of this, we believe in creating an environment of innovation and learning, as we push ourselves to reach higher levels of excellence.

  • Integrity and Transparency
  • Quality
  • Productivity
  • Safety
  • Respect for the Individual
  • Collaboration and Teamwork